Artificial Intelligence and Human Self-Conception. On the Anthropological Challenges of Digitalisation Tobias Müller 341-364 Requires Subscription or Fee PDF (German) (EUR 10)
Physical Existence and the Vision of Mind-Uploading Georg Gasser 365-387 Requires Subscription or Fee PDF (German) (EUR 10)
Bodily Corporeality as a Condition of the Possibility of Experiencing Authenticity. Walter Benjamin's Concept of Aura, (New) Phenomenology and Digital Mediatisation Richard Ottinger 388-404 Requires Subscription or Fee PDF (German) (EUR 10)
Images of God in the Digital Age. On the Connection Between Digitalisation and the Talk of God's Presence Martin Breul 405-424 Requires Subscription or Fee PDF (German) (EUR 10)
Transhumanism and Digitalisation. Theological-Anthropological Perspectives Wilfried Sturm 425-451 Requires Subscription or Fee PDF (German) (EUR 10)
Transhumanist Pursuit of Happiness and Christian Hope for Salvation. A Comparison Tristan Samuel Dittrich 452-474 Requires Subscription or Fee PDF (German) (EUR 10)
The End of the Collective? On the Relationship Between Subject and Ecclesial Social Form in a Culture of Digitality Wolfgang Beck 475-494 Requires Subscription or Fee PDF (German) (EUR 10)
Wolfgang Beck / Ilona Nord / Joachim Valentin (Hg.), Theologie und Digitalität. Ein Kompendium Franca Spies 495-497 Requires Subscription or Fee PDF (German) (EUR 10)
Caroline Helmus, Transhumanismus – der neue (Unter-)Gang des Menschen? Das Menschenbild des Transhumanismus und seine Herausforderung für die Theologische Anthropologie Katharina Klöcker 498-500 Requires Subscription or Fee PDF (German) (EUR 10)