Vol. 144 No. 2 (2022)

Genome Editing, Genetic Enhancement and the Technical Empowerment of Humans

Hans Zillmann
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

Published 2022-06-01


  • genetic enhancement,
  • ethical problems,
  • therapeutic interventions,
  • human dignity,
  • transhumanism,
  • human condition
  • ...More


The genetic improvement of humans (genetic enhancement) is a controversial topic of discussion. The fantasies of some proponents are so extensive that they seem to question the very essence of human constitution. They promise an increase in intellectual abilities or even immortality. In their striving for improvement, those proponents do not take salient ethical problems to present reasons for abandoning their project. This paper argues against establishing the practice of genetic enhancement. At the same time, it formulates a proposal on how gene therapy, on the one hand, and genetic enhancement, on the other, can be distinguished in order to receive different moral evaluations. Those who fail to make this distinction, by contrast, and argue against both practices need to account for the following: While denying enhancement is not an intrusion on human dignity, denying gene therapy would be. Moreover, social consequences of genetic enhancement that could make a self-determined life more difficult and thus affect the dignity of human beings negatively speak against this practice, but not against gene therapy.


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