Vol. 143 No. 1 (2021)

What Kind of Teleology Does Moral Theology Need?

Stefan Hofmann SJ
Titelbild der Zeitschrift für Theologie und Philosophie

Published 2021-03-01


  • teleology,
  • deontology,
  • utilitarianism,
  • consequentialism,
  • Bruno Schüller,
  • agent-relative,
  • agent-neutral
  • ...More


Today many German moral theologians stress the need for teleological forms of ethical reasoning. At the same time, however, they reject utilitarianism. This raises two questions: Which types of teleological reasoning should moral theologians use, and why? The article distinguishes between agent-neutral and agent-relative moral theories and argues that theological ethicists should also distinguish between agent-neutral and agent-relative teleology. Agent-neutral teleology should be rejected on the same grounds on which utilitarianism is usually rejected. Agent-relative teleology is recommended as an integral part of the Christian tradition.